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It’s Not What You Eat, It’s What You Absorb!

May 14, 2012

ImageOkay, everybody!  Listen up!  It’s time to take control of your health!  You can do it and we have the perfect whole foods to assist your body in healing, energizing and detoxifying itself!

Grandma told you to chew your food 30 times . . . Guess what?  She really knew what she was talking about!  Digestion begins in the mouth while you are chewing your food.  Digestive Enzymes in your saliva begin the process.  It isn’t what you eat, it’s what you absorb!  Add CeaZyme Digestive Enzymes to assist your body in digesting and absorbing the food that you eat!  People are finding that it improves food sensitivities and allergies like nothing else!

Are you one of those people who resist taking supplements?  We have the most nutrient-dense foods on Earth so that you don’t have to open 30 bottles every morning.  Take 24/7 morning and evening and you will be getting 50% of your RDA.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. August 22, 2012 9:10 pm

    I am a 2+ year user of the Nancea 24/7 Chocolate powder and have discovered in the past couple of months that there are NOT 30 servings in the bags. I faithfully measure out 2 LEVEL scoops and find that there are only 27-28 servings tops in each bag. I can’t imagine how few servings there would be if I did the HEAPING scoops in the Directions on the bag!!

    I look forward to hearing from someone soon about this problem. (If you added just a few more ounces to each bag, that would solve the problem.)

    • August 23, 2012 7:11 pm

      Dear Nancy,

      Your unfortunate experience has concerned us and we wanted to first thank you for bringing any quality issues or concerns to our immediate attention.

      Upon reading your post, our Quality Control has taken steps to check our product and I wanted to share our findings with you.

      1) We have picked 10 random pouches of the Chocolate 24/7, and weighed each one.
      We did not have any under weights. All tared pouches were over 930 grams as listed
      on our pouch.
      2) We picked the lowest weight package which was 932 grams and counted the number
      of LEVEL scoops in a pouch. We counted 84 level scoops.
      3) Since our instructions” reading heaping scoops”, we then counted out the number of
      heaping scoops and counted 60. This would comply with the 30 day supply.

      We have not heard of any other quality issues with our products or serving size, but we want you to be assured that we will look further into improving the ” serving size issue” now that it has been brought to our attention.

      We want to thank you again and hope you continue to enjoy our products.

      Kindest Regards,

      Vicki Babcock
      Quality Control

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